This is a list of bigger changes between
Boson 0.12 and Boson
- New fog of war system
- Fixed problem with shaders and teamcolor, made textured and teamcolored meshes possible
- BosonConfig scripts
- Unit models are improved by recalculating normals
- Fixed bug with player color display in start game page
- Ground/unit shaders can be toggled on/off independently
- Added map/savegame converter program
- Distant units are shown as icons
- Improved detection of Python libraries
- Bullet trails work again
- Map preview for the newgame widget
- Improved detection of KDE libraries
- Missiles now continue moving towards destroyed targets
- Fixed minimap rendering
- Internal redesign of minimap code
- Several bugfixes/imporvements to cmdframe's production buttons
- Game can now be started with explored map
- Display list of requirements for a production
- Mouse wheel zooms minimap
- Fixed/improved KDE/Python/... detection by the cmake build system
- New (internal) architecture for unit orders
- Rendering speed improvements
- Radar jammers
- Some licensing issues resolved
- Improved airport model
- some gcc 4.1 and 4.2 fixes
- Removed a lot of debug output
- Workaround for broken MESA based OpenGL drivers
- Fix loading: it must be loaded with RTLD_GLOBAL flag (which QLibrary can't do), so we use our own code for dlopen()ing now
- Don't install some debugging application